Source code for qcp.algorithms.phase_estimation

import math
from typing import List

import qcp.gates as g
import qcp.register as reg
import qcp.tensor_product as tp
from qcp.algorithms.abstract_algorithm import GeneralAlgorithm
from qcp.matrices import DefaultMatrix, Matrix

[docs]def optimum_qubit_size(precision: int, error: float) -> int: """ Return the number of qubit required for targeted number of decimal and error rate. """ return math.ceil(precision + math.log2(2+1/(2*error)))
[docs]def qft_gate(size: int) -> Matrix: """ Performs Quantum Fourier Transform, which change the basis :param int: size: number of qubits returns: Matrix: gate """ gate = g.multi_gate(size, [], g.Gate.I) for i in range(size-1, -1, -1): gate = qft_rotation_gate( size, i)*g.multi_gate(size, [i], g.Gate.H)*gate for i in range(int(size/2)): gate = g.swap(size, i, size-1-i)*gate return gate
[docs]def inverse_qft_gate(size: int) -> Matrix: """ Performs Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform :param int: size: number of qubits returns: Matrix: gate """ gate = g.multi_gate(size, [], g.Gate.I) for i in range(int(size/2)): gate = g.swap(size, i, size-i-1)*gate for i in range(0, size): gate = g.multi_gate(size, [i], g.Gate.H) * \ inverse_qft_rotation_gate(size, i)*gate return gate
[docs]def qft_rotation_gate(size: int, current_qubit: int) -> Matrix: """" Construct the R2...R(n-i) gate for Quantum Fourier Transform :param int size: total number of qubits, n :param intcurrent_qubit: which qubit to apply the rotation gate to, i returns: Matrix: gate """ gate: Matrix = DefaultMatrix.identity(2**size) for i in range(1, current_qubit+1): phi = 2*math.pi/2**(i+1) control = current_qubit-i gate = gate * g.control_phase(size, [control], current_qubit, phi) return gate
[docs]def inverse_qft_rotation_gate(size: int, current_qubit: int) -> Matrix: """" Construct the R2...R(n-i) gate for Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform :param int size: total number of qubits, n :param int current_qubit: which qubit to apply the rotation gate to, i """ gate: Matrix = DefaultMatrix.identity(2**size) for i in range(0, current_qubit): phi = -2*math.pi/2**(current_qubit+1-i) control = i gate = gate * g.control_phase(size, [control], current_qubit, phi) return gate
[docs]class PhaseEstimation(GeneralAlgorithm):
[docs] def __init__(self, size: int, unitary: Matrix, eigenvector: Matrix): """ Implement Phase Estimation, which requires a unitary matrix and one of its eigenvector as the input. :param int: size: precision of the phase output, i.e. no. of decimal :param Matrix unitary: a unitary matrix whose eigenvalue's phase is the target :param Matrix eigenvector: an eigenvector of the unitary matrix Example: phase = 0.125 unitary = DefaultMatrix([[1,0],[0,exp(1j*math.pi*phase)]]) eigenvector = DefaultMatrix([[0],[1]]) PE = Phase_Esimation(3,unitary,eigenvector) print(PE.measure()) """ assert unitary.unitary, "Matrix must be unitary!" self.unitary = unitary self.auxiliary = eigenvector self.auxsize = int(math.log2(eigenvector.num_rows)) super().__init__(size)
[docs] def initial_state(self) -> Matrix: """ Creates a state vector corresponding to |0..0> :return: returns state vector """ init = super().initial_state() return tp.tensor_product(self.auxiliary, init)
[docs] def first_layer(self) -> Matrix: """ Tensor Hadamard (first register) with Identity (auxiliary) """ id = g.multi_gate(self.auxsize, [], g.Gate.I) return tp.tensor_product( id, g.multi_gate(self.size, [i for i in range(self.size)], g.Gate.H) )
[docs] def second_layer(self) -> Matrix: """ Control-U Gate applied to auxiliary register """ totalsize = self.size+self.auxsize gate = g.multi_gate(totalsize, [], g.Gate.I) rep = 0 for i in range(0, self.size): for j in range(2**rep): n = self.size-1-i gate = g.control_u(totalsize, n, self.unitary) * gate rep += 1 return gate
[docs] def third_layer(self): """" Inverse QFT Gate tensor for the first register """ id = g.multi_gate(self.auxsize, [], g.Gate.I) return tp.tensor_product( id, inverse_qft_gate(self.size) )
[docs] def construct_circuit(self): """ Combines the layers """ first = self.first_layer() second = self.second_layer() third = self.third_layer() return third * second * first
[docs] def measure_probabilities(self): p = self.probabilities() n_bits = int(math.log2(2**self.size)) for i in range(2**self.size): binary = bin(i)[2:].zfill(n_bits) print(f"|{binary}> : {p[i]:.4g}")
[docs] def probabilities(self) -> List[float]: """ Returns the amplitudes of the measured state, representing the probabilities to be in each state. returns: List[float]: A list of states, where each element is the probability to be in that state. """ n = 2 ** self.size result = DefaultMatrix.zeros(n) for i in range(2**self.size): tp_mat = DefaultMatrix.zeros(n) tp_mat[i][0] = 1 trial = tp.tensor_product(self.auxiliary, tp_mat) result[i] = (trial.transpose()*self.state)[0] return reg.measure(result)
[docs] def measure_phase(self) -> float: """ Measure the calculated phase corresponding to the state measured returns: float: The calculated phase """ state, _ = self.measure() return state / (2**self.size)