Source code for qcp.algorithms.phase_estimation_unitary_matrices

# Copyright 2022 Tiernan8r
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Defines the enum that encodes the predefined Unitary matrices
import cmath
import enum
from typing import Tuple

import qcp.constants as c
from qcp.matrices import DefaultMatrix, Matrix

[docs]class UnitaryMatrices(enum.Enum): """ Enum of all the available unitary matrices to use in the Phase Estimation algorithm """ # TODO: Populate properly HADAMARD = "hadamard" PHASE_SHIFT = "phase_shift"
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls): """ Return all the enum options' values returns: List[str]: All the strings the enums correspond to """ return list(map(lambda um: um.value, cls)) # type: ignore
[docs] def get(self, val1: float = 0.0, val2: float = 0.0) -> Matrix: """ Get the actual Unitary Matrix the enum corresponds to :param float val: Optional value required when creating certain matrix types returns: Matrix: The Unitary Matrix """ if self is UnitaryMatrices.HADAMARD: return c.TWO_HADAMARD elif self is UnitaryMatrices.PHASE_SHIFT: phi1 = cmath.exp(2j * cmath.pi * val1) phi2 = cmath.exp(2j * cmath.pi * val2) return DefaultMatrix([[phi1, 0], [0, phi2]]) return None
[docs] def basis_names(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Return the basis names used for the Unitary matrix choice returns: Tuple[str, str]: A two entry tuple of the 2 qbit basis names. """ if self is UnitaryMatrices.HADAMARD: return "|+>", "|->" elif self is UnitaryMatrices.PHASE_SHIFT: return "|0>", "|1>" else: return ()
[docs] def basis(self) -> Tuple[Matrix, Matrix]: """ Return the basis used for the Unitary matrix choice returns: Tuple[Matrix, Matrix]: A two entry tuple of the 2 qbit basis. """ if self is UnitaryMatrices.HADAMARD: return c.PLUS_VECTOR, c.MINUS_VECTOR elif self is UnitaryMatrices.PHASE_SHIFT: return c.ZERO_VECTOR, c.ONE_VECTOR else: return ()