Source code for qcp.algorithms.sudoku

import random
from typing import List, Tuple

import qcp.gates as g
import qcp.register as reg
from qcp.algorithms import GeneralAlgorithm

# This class uses Grover's algorithm to solve the 2x2 sudoku board with 4
# entries V0, V1, V2, V3 and two number choices, 0 & 1
#   +----+----+
#   | V0 | V1 |
#   +----+----+
#   | V2 | V3 |
#   +----+----+
# To do this we use 9 qubits with the first 4 representing our inputs
# V0, V1, V2, V3. The second 4 representing the four conditions we have for a
# solution for this sudoku board, such that when the qubit is 1, the condition
# is met. And the final qubit representing whether all the conditions have
# been met.

[docs]class Sudoku(GeneralAlgorithm):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__(9)
[docs] def oracle(self): """ The oracle gate for this problem checks the inputs to see whether the conditions have been met, using self.sudoku_conditions(), stores whether all of the conditions have been met or not in the 9th qubit by using a cnot gate, and then resets all the condition qubits that were changed by self.sudoku_conditions() :return: Matrix: representing the oracle gate """ had = g.multi_gate(9, [8], g.Gate.H) z = g.multi_gate(9, [8], g.Gate.Z) cond = self.sudoku_conditions() cnot = g.control_x(9, [4, 5, 6, 7], 8) oracle = cond * cnot * cond * z * had return oracle
[docs] def sudoku_conditions(self): """ For the 2x2 sudoku board there are 4 conditions which must be true for a solution to be valid: V0 != V1 V0 != V2 V1 != V3 V2 != V3 the variables cond1,..,cond4 respectively enforce these conditions by applying XOR gates across the relevant input qubits and outputting in the relative condition qubit :return: Matrix: representing all of the sudoku conditions """ cond1 = g.control_x(9, [1], 4) * g.control_x(9, [0], 4) cond2 = g.control_x(9, [2], 5) * g.control_x(9, [0], 5) cond3 = g.control_x(9, [3], 6) * g.control_x(9, [1], 6) cond4 = g.control_x(9, [3], 7) * g.control_x(9, [2], 7) cond = cond4 * cond3 * cond2 * cond1 return cond
[docs] def diffusion(self): """ Creates a diffusion gate - a gate which amplifies the probability of selecting our target state returns: Matrix: Matrix representing diffusion gate """ had = g.multi_gate(9, [0, 1, 2, 3], g.Gate.H) xs = g.multi_gate(9, [0, 1, 2, 3], g.Gate.X) cz = g.control_z(9, [0, 1, 2], 3) diff = had * xs * cz * xs * had return diff
[docs] def construct_circuit(self): """ Constructs the circuit to solve the sudoku problem by implementing the hadamard on the first 4 qubits, then the oracle gate across the entire circuit, followed by the diffusion gate that acts on the first 4 qubits applying the oracle and diffuser twice to maximise the amplitude of the solution returns: Matrix representing our completed Grover's algorithm for sudoku """ had = g.multi_gate(9, [0, 1, 2, 3], g.Gate.H) circuit = had for i in range(2): circuit = * circuit circuit = self.diffusion() * circuit return circuit
[docs] def measure_solution(self) -> Tuple[List[str], float]: """ Randomly measures 1 of 16 possible options that the 4 input variables can be with the probability of measuring a certain option determined by the probabilities associated with each state :return: Tuple[List[str], float]: The input solution observed and the probability of observing that solution """ prob = reg.measure(self.state) sol_probs = [0 for _ in range(16)] for i in range(len(prob)): sol_probs[i % 16] += prob[i] # type: ignore observed = random.choices( [i for i in range(len(sol_probs))], sol_probs, k=1) # type: ignore chosen_prob = sol_probs[observed[0]] vx = format(observed[0], '04b') return [vx[-4], vx[-3], vx[-2], vx[-1]], chosen_prob