Source code for qcp.cli.parser

# Copyright 2022 Tiernan8r
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Code to parse CLI options for the Algorithm, to determing the flags and
arguments given
import re
import sys
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import qcp.cli.interpret as i
import qcp.cli.usage as u
from qcp.cli.constants import (ALGORITHM_LONG, DEFAULT_ALGORITHM,
                               DEFAULT_TARGET, FLAG_MAPPING, GUI_LONG,
                               HELP_LONG, TARGET_LONG)
from qcp.cli.options import AlgorithmOption

[docs]def parse_input(args: List[str]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], List[str]]: """ Convert the given list of cli arguments into a mapping between the CLI flags and their value, and a list or CLI arguments :param List[str] args: The CLI arguments returns: Tuple[Dict[str, str], List[str]]: A tuple of the flags dictionary and the arguments list. """ d = {} # Map the flags to the values in a dictionary v = [] # Store all unmapped values in a list flag_short_pattern = re.compile("-.+") flag_long_pattern = re.compile("--.+") n = len(args) i = 0 while i < n: arg = args[i] if (flag_short_pattern.match(arg) or flag_long_pattern.match(arg)): val = "" if i + 1 < n: val = args[i+1] # Convert the short flag names to the long ones if arg in FLAG_MAPPING: arg = FLAG_MAPPING[arg] if arg in d: print( f"Duplicate flag '{arg}' detected, skipping...", file=sys.stderr) i += 2 continue d[arg] = val i += 2 else: v.append(arg) i += 1 return d, v
[docs]def read_cli(args: List[str]): """ Parses the sys.argv CLI options to read the value for the optional flags (if provided), and the required CLI arguments. :param List[str] args: The list of CLI inputs from sys.argv returns: Tuple[~:py:obj:qcp.cli.constants.AlgorithmOptions, Any...]: The CLI values, firstly the algorithm chosen to run, and then a tuple of the parameters required to run that algorithm. """ flags, vals = parse_input(args) if HELP_LONG in flags: u.usage() if GUI_LONG in flags: try: # Need to put import here, as not all terminal connections support # a UI (e.g: an ssh connection...) import qcp.gui.main as gui gui.initialise_ui() except ImportError as ie: print("Could not start up GUI:", file=sys.stderr) print(ie) exit(1) if ALGORITHM_LONG not in flags: flags[ALGORITHM_LONG] = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM alg_opt_str = flags[ALGORITHM_LONG] # Show the help message on no args provided, but only if sudoku algorithm # not chosen if len(vals) == 0 and flags[ALGORITHM_LONG] != "s": u.usage() if alg_opt_str not in AlgorithmOption.list(): print( f"Algorithm option '{alg_opt_str}' is not a valid option!", file=sys.stderr) print(f"The options are: {AlgorithmOption.list()}", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) alg_opt = AlgorithmOption(alg_opt_str) if TARGET_LONG not in flags: flags[TARGET_LONG] = str(DEFAULT_TARGET) return alg_opt, i.interpret_arguments(alg_opt, vals, flags)