Source code for qcp.matrices.matrix

# Copyright 2022 Tiernan8r
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from typing import Union

from qcp.matrices.types import MATRIX, SCALARS, VECTOR

[docs]class Matrix(ABC): """ Method stubs for an implementation of a matrix. """
[docs] def __init__(self, state: MATRIX): """ Initialise the Matrix object, setting the matrix elements based off of the given nested list, and inferring the matrix dimensions from the list dimensions :param MATRIX state: The nested list containing the matrix elements """ pass
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Return the horizontal width of the matrix. returns: int: The width of the matrix """ pass
@property def num_rows(self) -> int: """ The number of rows in the Matrix returns: int: The number of rows in the matrix """ pass @property def num_columns(self) -> int: """ The number of columns in the Matrix returns: int: The number of columns in the matrix """ pass @property def square(self) -> bool: """ Whether the matrix is square or not. returns: bool: Whether the matrix row/column dimensions match. """ return self.num_columns == self.num_rows @property def unitary(self) -> bool: """ Check if matrix is Unitary (can be shifted to :param Matrix: input: n x n matrix returns: bool: Whether the matrix is unitary """ pass
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> VECTOR: """ Return the row elements for the given row index in a list representation :param int i: The index of the row to get the elements of returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.VECTOR`: A list containing the row elements """ pass
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i: int, v: VECTOR): """ Set the given row in the matrix to the given elements in the list :param int i: The index of the row to modify :param VECTOR v: The new elements as a list to set the row to. """ pass
[docs] def get_state(self) -> MATRIX: """ Returns the matrix values as a nested list, indexed by the row/column indices. returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.MATRIX`: A nested list of the matrix values """ pass
[docs] def __add__(self, other: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Add the matching elements of the other matrix to the entries in this matrix, and return a new matrix containing the resultant values. :param Matrix other: The matrix to add to this one. returns: Matrix: A new matrix where the elements are the addition of the current and applied matrix elements. """ pass
[docs] def __sub__(self, other: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Subtract the matching elements of the other matrix to the entries in this matrix, and return a new matrix containing the resultant values. :param Matrix other: The matrix to subtract from this one. returns: Matrix: A new matrix where the elements are the subtraction of the current and applied matrix elements. """ pass
[docs] def columns(self) -> MATRIX: """ Return the transpose of the matrix as a nested list returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.MATRIX`: The nested list of matrix elements, indexed by column/row. """ pass
[docs] def transpose(self) -> Matrix: """ Mirror a square matrix along it's diagonal, and return a new matrix of these elements returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.MATRIX`: The transpose of the current matrix. """ pass
[docs] def conjugate(self) -> Matrix: """ Calculate the complex conjugate of each matrix element and return a new matrix of these conjugated elements returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.MATRIX`: The matrix with each element conjugates of the current :py:obj:`qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix` """ pass
[docs] def adjoint(self) -> Matrix: """ Shortcut operation to calculate the transpose and conjugate of the current matrix. returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.MATRIX`: The new matrix that is transposed and then conjugated of the current matrix. """ return self.transpose().conjugate()
[docs] def trace(self) -> SCALARS: """ The sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.SCALARS`: The sum of the diagonal of the matrix """ pass
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: Union[SCALARS, Matrix]) -> Matrix: """ Override of the behaviour of the `*` multiplication operator. If the operator is applied using a scalar value to this matrix, the matrix elements are each scaled by this number and a new matrix is returned containing these scaled elements. If a :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix` object is applied using the `*` operator, the dot product of the two matrices is calculated, with the current matrix being the first Matrix, and the applied one the second, as order matters for matrix multiplication. :param Union[SCALARS, Matrix] other: The object being applied to this matrix returns: Matrix: A new matrix containing the calculated values as appropriate. """ pass
[docs] def __rmul__(self, s: SCALARS) -> Matrix: """ Shim layer for the :py:meth:`~qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix.__mul__` operation, so that we can pre-mulitply matrices with a scalar and get the expected behaviour. :param SCALARS other: The scalar to multiply against the matrix returns: Matrix: A new matrix where the elements are scaled by other """ return self.__mul__(s)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Create a string representation of the Matrix, with rows separated by newlines, and bounded by '['/']' characters. returns: str: A string representation of the matrix suitable for printing. """ pass
[docs] def _optional_newline(self, i: int, N: int) -> str: """ Helper function for :py:meth:`~qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix.__str__` to determine which rows require a newline character appended to them. :param int i: The current row index under consideration. :param int N: The total number of rows. returns: str: A newline character, or empty string depending on the condition. """ return "\n" if i < N - 1 else ""