Source code for qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix

# Copyright 2022 Tiernan8r
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import annotations

import cmath
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Union

from qcp.matrices import Matrix
from qcp.matrices.types import MATRIX, SCALARS, SCALARS_T, SPARSE

[docs]def _list_to_dict(vals: List[SCALARS], limit: int = -1) -> Dict[int, SCALARS]: """Convert a given list of values into a dictionary mapping indices to non-zero values :param vals list: List of vector values. :param limit int: Optional iteration limit for fixed sized rows. returns: Dict[int, :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.SCALARS`]: dict of key/value pairs for non-zero entries in the list. """ # If the SparseMatrix dimensions have been explicitly set, will only # convert list entries up to that hard limit into the dict. lim = limit if limit > 0 else len(vals) d = {} for i in range(lim): if i >= len(vals): continue entry = vals[i] # ignore floating points that are within 1e-9 to 0 if cmath.isclose(entry, 0): continue d[i] = entry return d
[docs]class SparseVector: """ Sparse implementation of a row vector, where only the non-zero elements are stored in memory, and any non saved index is taken to be zero. """
[docs] def __init__(self, entries: Union[List[SCALARS], Dict[int, SCALARS]], size: int): """ Create a new SparseVector object, where the values are allocated either directly, by providing a dictionary mapping the indices to the values, or inferred by reading the given list and storing any non-zero list values in a dictionary mapping. When the dictionary is provided, the vector size is inferred from the highest index in the dictionary, unless the value is overwritten with the size parameter. :param Union[List[SCALARS], Dict[int, SCALARS]] entries: The object containing the vector values to use. :param int size: The size of the SparseVector """ if isinstance(entries, list): self._entries = _list_to_dict(entries, limit=size) else: self._entries = entries self._size = size
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Return the size of the vector returns: int: The size of the vector """ return self._size
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> SCALARS: """ Get the item at the given index in the SparseVector. :param int i: The index of the value to read returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.SCALARS`: The indexed value. """ assert i < self._size, "index out of range" return self._entries.get(i, 0)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i: int, v: SCALARS): """ Set the item at the given index to be the given value. :param int i: The index to modify :param SCALARS v: The new value to set. """ assert i < self._size, "index out of range" self._entries[i] = v
[docs]class SparseMatrix(Matrix): """ Implementation of a Sparse Matrix object, where only the non-zero matrix elements are stored in memory, and if a matrix element is not indexed, it is taken to be zero. """
[docs] def __init__(self, state: Union[MATRIX, SPARSE], w: int = -1, h: int = -1): """Initialise a SparseMatrix, using either a List[List[]] object, or a pre-indexed dictionary mapping indices to non-zero values. :param Union[MATRIX, SPARSE] state: object containing the matrix elements, either by determining the row/column indices from the list, or using the given row/column index mapping. :param int w: Optional overload of the Matrix width dimension :param int h: Optional overload of the Matrix height dimension """ given_width = w > 0 if given_width: self._col = w given_height = h > 0 if given_height: self._row = h # If the given 'state' is already a dict mapping, no need # to convert it if isinstance(state, dict): self._entries = state if not given_height: # max() errors on calls with empty lists if len(state.keys()) == 0: self._row = 1 else: self._row = max(state.keys()) + 1 # indexes from 0... if not given_width: self._col = 0 # Find the highest row index in the dictionary, and assume # that the matrix is that wide for i in range(self._row): if i in self._entries: # max() errors on calls with empty lists if len(self._entries[i].keys()) == 0: continue width = max(self._entries[i].keys()) + 1 self._col = width if width > self._col else self._col return if not given_height: n = len(state) self._row = n if not given_width: m = len(state[0]) if self._row > 0 else 0 self._col = m entries: SPARSE = { k: {} for k in range(self._row) } for i in range(self._row): s = [] if i < len(state): s = state[i] entries[i] = _list_to_dict(s, limit=self._col) self._entries = entries
[docs] @staticmethod def identity(n: int) -> SparseMatrix: """ Create the identity matrix with the given dimensions :param int n: The matrix dimension returns: SparseMatrix: The SparseMatrix identity matrix object. """ assert isinstance(n, int), "matrix dimension must be an integer" assert n > 0, "Matrix dimension must be positive" return SparseMatrix({i: {i: 1} for i in range(n)}, w=n, h=n)
[docs] @staticmethod def zeros(nrow: int, ncol: int = 1) -> SparseMatrix: """ Create a SparseMatrix of given dimensions, where each value of the matrix is zero. :param int nrow: The row dimension of the SparseMatrix :param int ncol: The (optional) column dimenion of the SparseMatrix defaults to 1, to be a column vector. returns: SparseMatrix: The matrix object of our given size. """ return SparseMatrix({i: {} for i in range(nrow)}, w=ncol, h=nrow)
@property def num_rows(self) -> int: """ Return the number of rows in the SparseMatrix. returns: int: The number of rows """ return self._row @property def num_columns(self) -> int: """ Return the number of columns in the SparseMatrix. returns: int: The number of columns. """ return self._col @property def unitary(self) -> bool: """ Check if matrix is Unitary (can be shifted to :param Matrix: input: n x n matrix returns: bool: Whether the matrix is unitary """ test = self.adjoint()*self id = SparseMatrix.identity(test.num_rows) for i in range(self.num_rows): for j in range(self.num_columns): if cmath.isclose(test[i][j], id[i][j]): continue else: return False return True
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Return the horizontal size of the SparseMatrix. returns: int: The number of columns in the SparseMatrix """ return self._row
[docs] def _get_row(self, i: int) -> SparseVector: # type: ignore[override] """ Equivalent to :py:meth:`~qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix.__getitem__` """ assert i < self.num_rows, "index out of range" entry = self._entries.get(i, {}) return SparseVector(entry, self.num_columns)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> SparseVector: # type: ignore[override] return self._get_row(i)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i: int, v: # type: ignore[override] Union[SparseVector, List[SCALARS], Dict[int, SCALARS]] ): assert i < self.num_rows, "index out of range" sv = None if isinstance(v, list): assert len(v) == self.num_columns, "row dimension does not match" sv = SparseVector(v, self.num_rows) elif isinstance(v, dict): assert max(v.keys()) + 1 < self.num_rows, "row too wide" sv = SparseVector(v, self.num_rows) else: sv = v self._entries[i] = sv._entries
[docs] def _as_list(self) -> MATRIX: """ Equivalent to :py:meth:`~qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix.get_state` """ list_representation: MATRIX = [ [0 for _ in range(self.num_columns)] for _ in range(self.num_rows) ] for i, row in self._entries.items(): for j, v in row.items(): list_representation[i][j] = v return list_representation
[docs] def get_state(self) -> MATRIX: """ Return the matrix values as a nested list returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.MATRIX`: A nested list of the matrix values indexed by row/column """ return self._as_list()
[docs] def rows(self) -> MATRIX: """ Equivalent to get_state(). returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.MATRIX`: A nested list of the matrix values indexed by row/column """ return self.get_state()
[docs] def columns(self) -> MATRIX: """ The transpose of the matrix as a nested list returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.MATRIX`: A nested list of the matrix values transposed, indexed by column/row """ list_representation: MATRIX = [ [0 for _ in range(self._row)] for _ in range(self._col) ] for i, row in self._entries.items(): for j, v in row.items(): list_representation[j][i] = v return list_representation
[docs] def transpose(self) -> SparseMatrix: """ Flips the matrix elements along the diagonal, and return a new SparseMatrix containing these values. returns: SparseMatrix: The transpose of the current matrix. """ entries: SPARSE = { k: {} for k in range(self._col) } for i, row in self._entries.items(): for j, v in row.items(): if j not in entries: entries[j] = {i: v} else: entries[j][i] = v return SparseMatrix(entries, h=self.num_columns, w=self.num_rows)
[docs] def conjugate(self) -> SparseMatrix: """ Create a new SparseMatrix where each value in the matrix is the complex conjugate of the current matrix values. returns: SparseMatrix: A SparseMatrix object of the same dimensions of the current matrix, with each value conjugated in place. """ entries = deepcopy(self._entries) for i, row in self._entries.items(): for j, v in row.items(): if isinstance(v, complex): entries[i][j] = v.conjugate() else: entries[i][j] = v return SparseMatrix(entries, h=self.num_rows, w=self.num_columns)
[docs] def trace(self) -> SCALARS: """ Calculate the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix returns: :py:obj:`~qcp.matrices.types.SCALARS`: The sum of all diagonal elements, with type determined by the value types. """ assert self.square, "can only take the trace of square matrices" tr: SCALARS = 0 for i in range(self.num_rows): if i not in self._entries: continue if i not in self._entries[i]: continue tr += self._entries[i][i] return tr
[docs] def __add__(self, other: Matrix) -> Matrix: row_match = self.num_rows == other.num_rows column_match = self.num_columns == other.num_columns assert row_match and \ column_match, "Matrix dimensions must be equal for addition" for i in range(other.num_rows): for j in range(other.num_columns): # Don't bother trying to add zero values other_val = other[i][j] if cmath.isclose(other_val, 0): continue # Since the SparseMatrix only keeps track of non-zero # entries, track this new entry if it becomes non-zero if j not in self._entries[i]: self._entries[i][j] = other_val else: self._entries[i][j] += other_val return self
[docs] def __sub__(self, other: Matrix) -> Matrix: return self + (-1 * other)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: Union[SCALARS, Matrix]) -> Matrix: if isinstance(other, SCALARS_T): for i, row in self._entries.items(): for j in row.keys(): self._entries[i][j] *= other return self elif isinstance(other, Matrix): return self._dot(other)
[docs] def _dot(self, other: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Calculate the dot product between this Matrix, and another Matrix. :param Matrix other: The matrix to dot product with this one. returns: Matrix: A new matrix that conforms to the rules of matrix dot producting. """ assert other.num_rows > 0, "taking dot product with empty matrix" assert self.num_columns == other.num_rows, \ "matrices don't match on their row/column dimensions" if isinstance(other, SparseMatrix): return self._dot_sparse(other) entries: SPARSE = { i: {} for i in range(self.num_rows) } for i, row in self._entries.items(): for j in range(other.num_columns): # only need to calculate using the non-zero entries of self # Don't save entries that are ~= 0 val = sum([other[k][j] * row[k] for k in row.keys()]) if cmath.isclose(val, 0): continue entries[i][j] = val return SparseMatrix(entries, w=other.num_columns, h=self.num_rows)
[docs] def _dot_sparse(self, other: SparseMatrix) -> SparseMatrix: """ Optimisation of the :py:meth:`~qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix._dot` method in the case where both Matrices are SparseMatrix objects, in which case we only need to consider the non-zero entries of the matrices :param SparseMatrix other: The matrix to dot product with this one. returns: SparseMatrix: A new matrix that conforms to the rules of matrix dot producting. """ # Don't need to check dimensions, as the _dot() method has already # done it for us. entries: SPARSE = { i: {} for i in range(self.num_rows) } other_entries = other._entries # Multiply entries in row/columns by each other for i, row in self._entries.items(): for j in range(other.num_columns): for k in row.keys(): # If the entry doesn't exist in the other # dictionary row/column, skip the entry if k not in other_entries: continue if j not in other_entries[k]: continue # row[k] is guaranteed to be non-zero since we're iterating # over row.keys() val = other_entries[k][j] * row[k] # Don't add on the value if it is ~= 0 if cmath.isclose(val, 0): continue if j not in entries[i]: entries[i][j] = val else: entries[i][j] += val return SparseMatrix(entries, w=other.num_columns, h=self.num_rows)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: total_string = "" for i in range(self.num_rows): for j in range(self.num_columns): # Remove very small numbers and show neater matrix v = self[i][j] if not isinstance(v, complex): continue if cmath.isclose(v.real + v.imag, 0): self[i][j] = 0 row_repr = [ f"{self[i][j]:3.3g}" for j in range(self.num_columns)] total_string += "[" + \ ",".join(row_repr) + "]" # Don't add newline for last row: total_string += self._optional_newline(i, self.num_rows) return total_string