Source code for qcp.gates

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Contains the code required calculate the required gates used to construct
Grover's Algorithm
import math
import cmath
from qcp.matrices import Matrix, DefaultMatrix, SPARSE
import qcp.constants as c
from qcp.matrices.types import MATRIX, SCALARS
import qcp.tensor_product as tp
from typing import List
import enum

[docs]class Gate(enum.Enum): """ Enums of the options of gate types to use in qcp.gates.multi_gates() """ H = "h" X = "x" Z = "z" P = "p" I = "i" # noqa: E741
# Notation note : |001> represents a 3 qubit system where the first qubit is # |1> and the second and third qubit is |0> # Targets and Controls work off this notation but you only need to enter the # number of the qubit you want to target/control
[docs]def multi_gate(size: int, targets: List[int], gate: Gate, phi=0j) -> Matrix: """ Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) gate matrix that applies a specific gate to one or more specified qubits :param size int: total number of qubits in circuit :param targets List[int]: list of qubits the specified gate will be applied to, indexing from 0. :param gate Gate: Enum of which gate we want to apply :param phi complex: Phase angle for the phase gate returns: Matrix: Matrix representing the composite gate """ if gate is Gate.H: g = c.TWO_HADAMARD elif gate is Gate.X: g = c.PAULI_X elif gate is Gate.Z: g = c.PAULI_Z elif gate is Gate.P: g = phase_shift(phi) else: return DefaultMatrix.identity(2 ** size) m: Matrix = DefaultMatrix([[1]]) for i in range(size): if i in targets: m = tp.tensor_product(g, m) else: m = tp.tensor_product(c.IDENTITY, m) return m
# NOTE: # The way the control/target bit is indexed is by indexing the # control bit in the byte notation: # E.g: 13 = 1101 in bit notation, so this is indexed as # +---+---+---+---+ # BITS | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | # +---+---+---+---+ # INDEX | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | # +---+---+---+---+ # in the usual little endian indexing notation # Therefore, in this example, the target/control bits are in the index # range [0, 3]
[docs]def control_x(size: int, controls: List[int], target: int) -> Matrix: """ Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) control-x gate with given controls and target :param int size: total number of qubits in circuit :param List[int] controls: List of control qubits, if empty, 0th bit is used as the control. :param int target: target qubit the x gate will be applied to returns: Matrix: Matrix representing the gate """ assert size > 1, "need minimum of two qubits" n = 2 ** size assert isinstance(controls, list) # Make sure the control/target bits are within the qbit size bit_bounds = range(size) for con in controls: assert con in bit_bounds, "control bit out of range" assert target in bit_bounds, "target bit out of range" assert target not in \ controls, "control bits and target bit cannot be the same" m: SPARSE = {} # Use set() to ignore repeat control bits, as we are only interested in # unique control bits # since the controls are the bit positions, we can convert this to a # bitmask by summing them at 2**idx # EG: controls = [0, 2, 4] # corresponds to 0, 4, 16 as numbers, # bitmask is 10101 in binary notation mask = sum(2 ** c for c in set(controls)) # Find the bit index of the target target_bit = 2 ** target # Iterate over states in the gate for i in range(0, n): # If the bits are targeted and meet the mask condition, it needs # to be flipped condition = i & mask x = i if condition >= mask: # bit flip the targetted bit by the control bits x ^= target_bit m[i] = {x: 1} return DefaultMatrix(m, h=n, w=n)
# NOTE: # The way the control/target bit is indexed is by indexing the # control bit in the byte notation: # E.g: 13 = 1101 in bit notation, so this is indexed as # +---+---+---+---+ # BITS | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | # +---+---+---+---+ # INDEX | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | # +---+---+---+---+ # in the usual little endian indexing notation # Therefore, in this example, the target/control bits are in the index # range [0, 3]
[docs]def _generic_control(size: int, controls: List[int], target: int, cval: SCALARS) -> Matrix: """ Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) control gate with given controls, target and the control value. This is a generic implementation of the logic used for :py:meth:`qcp.gates.control_z` and :py:meth:`qcp.gates.control_phase` :param int size: total number of qubits in circuit :param List[int] controls: List of control qubits :param int target: target qubit the gate will be applied to :param SCALARS cval: The control value in the gate returns: Matrix: Matrix representing the gate """ assert size > 1, "need minimum of two qubits" n = 2 ** size assert isinstance(controls, list) # Make sure the control/target bits are within the qbit size bit_bounds = range(size) for con in controls: assert con in bit_bounds, "control bit out of range" assert target in bit_bounds, "target bit out of range" assert target not in \ controls, "control bits and target bit cannot be the same" m: SPARSE = {} # Use set() to ignore repeat control bits, as we are only interested in # unique control bits # since the controls are the bit positions, we can convert this to a # bitmask by summing them at 2**idx # EG: controls = [0, 2, 4] # corresponds to 0, 4, 16 as numbers, # bitmask is 10101 in binary notation mask = sum(2 ** c for c in set(controls)) target_bit = 2 ** target for i in range(0, n): condition1 = (i & target_bit) condition2 = i & mask val: SCALARS = 1 # Modulo 2 filters out an bits that don't meet the condition, # Any number that is of the form of all ones, like 3 = 11, or 7 = 111 # Can be determined by taking their modulus with 2, since binary is in # powers of 2. if condition1 == target_bit and condition2 >= mask: val = cval m[i] = {i: val} return DefaultMatrix(m, h=n, w=n)
# NOTE: # The way the control/target bit is indexed is by indexing the # control bit in the byte notation: # E.g: 13 = 1101 in bit notation, so this is indexed as # +---+---+---+---+ # BITS | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | # +---+---+---+---+ # INDEX | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | # +---+---+---+---+ # in the usual little endian indexing notation # Therefore, in this example, the target/control bits are in the index # range [0, 3]
[docs]def control_z(size: int, controls: List[int], target: int) -> Matrix: """ Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) control-z gate with given controls and target :param int size: total number of qubits in circuit :param List[int] controls: List of control qubits :param int target: target qubit the z gate will be applied to returns: Matrix: Matrix representing the gate """ return _generic_control(size, controls, target, -1)
# NOTE: # The way the control/target bit is indexed is by indexing the # control bit in the byte notation: # E.g: 13 = 1101 in bit notation, so this is indexed as # +---+---+---+---+ # BITS | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | # +---+---+---+---+ # INDEX | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | # +---+---+---+---+ # in the usual little endian indexing notation # Therefore, in this example, the target/control bits are in the index # range [0, 3]
[docs]def control_phase(size: int, controls: List[int], target: int, phi: complex) -> Matrix: """ Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) control-phase gate with given controls and target :param int size: total number of qubits in circuit :param List[int] controls: List of control qubits :param int target: target qubit the phase gate will be applied to :param complex phi: angle the target qubit will be phase shifted by returns: Matrix: Matrix representing the gate """ val = cmath.exp(1j * phi) return _generic_control(size, controls, target, val)
[docs]def phase_shift(phi: complex) -> Matrix: """ Creates a 2 x 2 phase shift matrix :param complex phi: angle the qubit is phase shifted by returns: Matrix: Matrix representing the phase shift gate. """ return DefaultMatrix([[1, 0], [0, cmath.exp(1j * phi)]])
[docs]def swap(size: int, target0: int, target1: int) -> Matrix: """ Construct swap gate which swaps two states :param int size: total number of qubits in circuit :param int target0: The first target bit to swap :param int target1: The second target bit to swap returns: Matrix: Matrix representing the gate """ # Can be optimized further assert size > 1, "need minimum of two qbits" assert target0 != target1, "swap targets must be different" bit_bounds = range(size) assert target0 in bit_bounds, "first target bit out of range" assert target1 in bit_bounds, "second target bit out of range" target0, target1 = sorted((target0, target1)) n = 2 ** size swapgate: Matrix = DefaultMatrix.zeros(n, n) for i in range(2**size): bit_str = (bin(i)[2:].zfill(size)) swapbit_str = ( bit_str[0:target0] + bit_str[target1] + bit_str[target0+1:target1] + bit_str[target0] + bit_str[target1+1:] ) bit = int(bit_str, 2) swapbit = int(swapbit_str, 2) vec_entries: MATRIX = [[0] for _ in range(2**size)] swapvec_entries: MATRIX = [[0] for _ in range(2**size)] vec_entries[bit] = [1] swapvec_entries[swapbit] = [1] vector = DefaultMatrix(vec_entries) swapvector = DefaultMatrix(swapvec_entries) # Outer product to create matrix swapgate += swapvector*vector.transpose() return swapgate
[docs]def control_u(size: int, control: int, unitary: Matrix): """ Implement the control U gate :param int size: number of qubits :param int control: control qubit :param Matrix unitary: Unitary gate to apply returns: Matrix: Matrix representing the gate """ assert size > 1, "need minimum of two qubits" # Make sure the control bit is within the qbit size assert control in range(size), "control bit out of range" assert control not in range( size, size+unitary.num_rows), \ "control bit cannot be in auxiliary register" assert unitary.square, "unitary matrix must be square" assert unitary.num_rows < size, "unitary matrix too big" gate0 = DefaultMatrix([[1, 0], [0, 0]]) gate1 = DefaultMatrix([[0, 0], [0, 1]]) targetsize = int(math.log2(unitary.num_rows)) n1 = 2**(control + targetsize) id1 = DefaultMatrix.identity(n1) n2 = 2**(size - 1 - control - targetsize) id2 = DefaultMatrix.identity(n2) interim1 = tp.tensor_product(gate0, id2) cu_gate = tp.tensor_product(id1, interim1) n3 = 2**control id3 = DefaultMatrix.identity(n3) interim2 = tp.tensor_product(id3, gate1) interim3 = tp.tensor_product(interim2, id2) cu_gate += tp.tensor_product(unitary, interim3) return cu_gate