qcp package



qcp.constants module

qcp.constants.IDENTITY = <qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix object>

The 2x2 Identity Matrix

qcp.constants.MINUS_VECTOR = <qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix object>

A Column Vector representing the |-> state

qcp.constants.ONE_VECTOR = <qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix object>

A Column Vector representing the |1> state

qcp.constants.PAULI_X = <qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix object>

The 2x2 Pauli-X Gate

qcp.constants.PAULI_Z = <qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix object>

The 2x2 Pauli-Z Gate

qcp.constants.PLUS_VECTOR = <qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix object>

A Column Vector representing the |+> state

qcp.constants.TWO_HADAMARD = <qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix object>

The 2x2 Hadamard Gate

qcp.constants.ZERO_VECTOR = <qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix object>

A Column Vector representing the |0> state

qcp.constants.factor = 0.7071067811865475

Normalisation factor used in the hadamard gate, and in the plus/minus state vectors

qcp.gates module

Contains the code required calculate the required gates used to construct Grover’s Algorithm

class qcp.gates.Gate(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enums of the options of gate types to use in qcp.gates.multi_gates()

H = 'h'
I = 'i'
P = 'p'
X = 'x'
Z = 'z'
qcp.gates._generic_control(size: int, controls: List[int], target: int, cval: Union[complex, float, int]) qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix[source]

Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) control gate with given controls, target and the control value. This is a generic implementation of the logic used for qcp.gates.control_z() and qcp.gates.control_phase()

  • size (int) – total number of qubits in circuit

  • controls (List[int]) – List of control qubits

  • target (int) – target qubit the gate will be applied to

  • cval (SCALARS) – The control value in the gate


Matrix representing the gate

Return type


qcp.gates.control_phase(size: int, controls: List[int], target: int, phi: complex) qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix[source]

Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) control-phase gate with given controls and target

  • size (int) – total number of qubits in circuit

  • controls (List[int]) – List of control qubits

  • target (int) – target qubit the phase gate will be applied to

  • phi (complex) – angle the target qubit will be phase shifted by


Matrix representing the gate

Return type


qcp.gates.control_u(size: int, control: int, unitary: qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix)[source]

Implement the control U gate

  • size (int) – number of qubits

  • control (int) – control qubit

  • unitary (Matrix) – Unitary gate to apply


Matrix representing the gate

Return type


qcp.gates.control_x(size: int, controls: List[int], target: int) qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix[source]

Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) control-x gate with given controls and target

  • size (int) – total number of qubits in circuit

  • controls (List[int]) – List of control qubits, if empty, 0th bit is used as the control.

  • target (int) – target qubit the x gate will be applied to


Matrix representing the gate

Return type


qcp.gates.control_z(size: int, controls: List[int], target: int) qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix[source]
Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) control-z gate with

given controls and target

  • size (int) – total number of qubits in circuit

  • controls (List[int]) – List of control qubits

  • target (int) – target qubit the z gate will be applied to


Matrix representing the gate

Return type


qcp.gates.multi_gate(size: int, targets: List[int], gate: qcp.gates.Gate, phi=0j) qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix[source]

Constructs a (2**size by 2**size) gate matrix that applies a specific gate to one or more specified qubits

  • int (size) – total number of qubits in circuit

  • List[int] (targets) – list of qubits the specified gate will be applied to, indexing from 0.

  • Gate (gate) – Enum of which gate we want to apply

  • complex (phi) – Phase angle for the phase gate


Matrix representing the composite gate

Return type


qcp.gates.phase_shift(phi: complex) qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix[source]

Creates a 2 x 2 phase shift matrix


phi (complex) – angle the qubit is phase shifted by


Matrix representing the phase shift gate.

Return type


qcp.gates.swap(size: int, target0: int, target1: int) qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix[source]

Construct swap gate which swaps two states

  • size (int) – total number of qubits in circuit

  • target0 (int) – The first target bit to swap

  • target1 (int) – The second target bit to swap


Matrix representing the gate

Return type


qcp.main module

Entrypoint for the Simulator

qcp.main.compute(constructor, alg_name: str, *args)[source]

Run the Quantum Algorithm simulation and print the observed state to stdout with the probability of observing that state.

  • constructor – The constructor the algorithm objects, varies per choice of algorithm

  • alg_name (str) – The name of the algorithm being run

  • args – All args that need to be passed in to the Algorithm constructor


The entrypoint for the CLI, parses the cli options and passes the read options to the function to run the computation.

qcp.main.print_solution(alg: qcp.algorithms.abstract_algorithm.GeneralAlgorithm, m: int, p: float)[source]

Output the result of the algorithm to the terminal, handling the special outputs required for PhaseEstimation and Sudoku

  • alg (GeneralAlgorithm) – The algorithm object used to run the simulation.

  • m (int) – The measured state

  • p (float) – The probability of measuring that state.

qcp.main.threaded_progress_bar() multiprocessing.context.Process[source]

Run the progress bar ticker in a separate process so that we can sleep the process without hanging the main computation


The reference to the process running

the progress bar

Return type


qcp.register module

Code that converts a given column vector to the probability distributions of observing the qbits in each state

qcp.register._magnitude(v: Union[complex, float, int]) float[source]

Measure the probability magnitude of the given scalar in the usual Quantum Mechanical way.


v (SCALARS) – The value to determine the magnitude of.


The magnitude of the scalar

Return type


qcp.register.measure(mat: qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix) List[float][source]

Convert the qbit states into probability amplitudes


mat (Matrix) – the column vector of qbit states to measure.


list of probabilities of observing the qbits in each state, normalised to total probability of 1.

Return type


qcp.tensor_product module

Code to calculate the general tensor product between two arbitrarily sized matrices.

qcp.tensor_product._tensor_product_sparse(A: qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix, B: qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix) qcp.matrices.sparse_matrix.SparseMatrix[source]

Compute the tensor product between two SparseMatrices, and return the resultant Matrix


An (m*p)*(n*q) matrix of the tensor product.

Return type


qcp.tensor_product.tensor_product(A: qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix, B: qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix) qcp.matrices.matrix.Matrix[source]

Compute the tensor product between two matrices, and return the resultant Matrix

  • A (Matrix) – An m*n matrix

  • B (Matrix) – Second p*q matrix to tensor product with


An (m*p)*(n*q) matrix of the tensor product.

Return type


Module contents

Base module for the Quantum Computer Simulator.