Source code for qcp.tensor_product

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Code to calculate the general tensor product between two arbitrarily sized
from qcp.matrices import Matrix, DefaultMatrix, SparseMatrix, MATRIX
from typing import Dict, Union
import cmath

[docs]def tensor_product(A: Matrix, B: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Compute the tensor product between two matrices, and return the resultant Matrix :param Matrix A: An m*n matrix :param Matrix B: Second p*q matrix to tensor product with returns: Matrix: An (m*p)*(n*q) matrix of the tensor product. """ if isinstance(A, SparseMatrix) and isinstance(B, SparseMatrix): return _tensor_product_sparse(A, B) m = A.num_rows n = A.num_columns p = B.num_rows q = B.num_columns row_width = m * p column_width = n * q # creates an (m*p)*(n*q) list for the answer matrix entries: MATRIX = [ [0.0 for _ in range(column_width)] for _ in range(row_width) ] if row_width == 1: entries = [[0.0 for _ in range(column_width)]] # The tensor product is defined as follows: # A * B = # [A00 * B, A01 * B, ... A0n * B] # [A10 * B, A11 * B, ... A1n * B] # [... ... ] # [An0 * B, A1n * B, ... Ann * B] # Take a 2*2 case as an example: # A = [1, 1] # [1, 1] # B = [2, 3] # [4, 5] # C = A * B = # [2, 3, 2, 3] # [4, 5, 4, 5] # [2, 3, 2, 3] # [4, 5, 4, 5] # The values are populated by iterating over the full sized matrix (C[i][j] # in this example) # To determine the A prefactor (A00/A01/etc...) the i,j are floor divided # by the size of A # The B values need to loop over the rows and columns in subgrids, this is # achieved by taking the modulus of the i,j indices: # i -> # __ __ # / \ / \ # [2, 3, 2, 3] \ j # [4, 5, 4, 5] / | # V # [2, 3, 2, 3] \ # [4, 5, 4, 5] / for i in range(row_width): for j in range(column_width): # A[k][l]: k = (i // m) % m l = (j // n) % n # noqa: E741 # B[r][s] r = i % p s = j % q val = A[k][l] * B[r][s] # Round values close to zero within 1e-9 if cmath.isclose(val, 0): val = 0 entries[i][j] = val return DefaultMatrix(entries)
[docs]def _tensor_product_sparse(A: SparseMatrix, B: SparseMatrix) -> SparseMatrix: """ Compute the tensor product between two SparseMatrices, and return the resultant Matrix :param SparseMatrix A: An m*n matrix :param SparseMatrix B: Second p*q matrix to tensor product with returns: SparseMatrix: An (m*p)*(n*q) matrix of the tensor product. """ m = A.num_rows n = A.num_columns p = B.num_rows q = B.num_columns num_columns = n * q num_rows = m * p # creates a dictionary to store the (m*p)*(n*q) entries entries_type = Dict[int, Dict[int, Union[complex, float, int]]] entries: entries_type = { i: {} for i in range(num_rows) } for k, row_a in A._entries.items(): for l, v_a in row_a.items(): # noqa: E741 for r, row_b in B._entries.items(): for s, v_b in row_b.items(): i = k * p + r j = l * q + s entries[i][j] = v_a * v_b return SparseMatrix(entries, w=num_columns, h=num_rows)